
Monday 4 November 2013

VIDEO: Get long, lean limbs in three simple steps + cellulite busters

His internationally renowned Clean & Lean diet has picked up a host of celebrity fans, from supermodels Elle Macpherson and David Gandy, to actor Hugh Grant and Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
And now fitness guru-to-the-stars James Duigan has updated and re-released his healthy living plan for everyone on Kindle this month, promising to banish yo-yo dieting forever and give you the streamlined body of which you've always dreamed.
Duigan has filmed a series of exclusive exercise videos, each targeting a specific problem area.
British model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is a staunch supporter of James Duigan's Clean & Lean diet plan
British model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is a staunch supporter of James Duigan's Clean & Lean diet plan

In today's short video, Duigan reveals three exercises which he promises will give you perfect legs.
The disco lunge is his favourite exercise. It's also the favourite of supermodels the world over. Great for posture, great fat burner, engages tummy and tones legs. Stand tall with thumbs up - a fab way to engage deep postural muscles - as you lunge forward throw arms back.
The drop lunge is a great way of stretching through the hip and working the bottom at different angles which keeps your body guessing and burns more fat. It's also great for stability and keeping your joints healthy and safe. Make sure you keep your tummy engaged and your hips stay facing forward.
The single leg Romanian dead lift is not as scary as it sounds. It is brilliant for improving stability and toning the bottom. Maintain perfect posture throughout and keep your tummy drawn in so that your spine stays safe.
The three exercises are easy-to-do and can be carried out anywhere at any time.

VIDEO: Get long, lean legs like Rosie in three stepsCLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO

Fan: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been following Duigan's Clean & Lean plan for years
British model David Gandy ialso a fan of the Clean & Lean plan
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been following the Clean & Lean plan for years, and David Gandy is also a fan

And although it's loved by supermodels, Victoria's Secret girls and film stars, Duigan says that the real magic is that is can work for anyone, from housewives to office workers - and everyone in between.
Huntington-Whiteley met James several years ago and is such a fan that she penned the introduction to his book Clean& Lean: Flat Tummy Fast.
Rosie said: 'James knows exactly how I want my body to look: lean, taut and strong, yet soft, curvy and feminine.
'What I've learned through working with James is that by focusing on creating a healthy body you can really achieve all of these things, faster than I ever thought possible.'
Common sense: James Duigan's Clean & Lean plan has become beloved not only by supermodels the world over, but regular men and women, mothers, office workers etc, looking for a sustainable way to live healthily
James Duigan's Clean & Lean plan is loved by supermodels and anyone who wants to detox and tone up


  • Eat organically. It means zero chemicals to toxify your body. This is particularly important when it comes to meat, fish and dairy.
  • Cut back on coffee. Caffeine makes cellulite worse. Your daily coffee is a contributor to slowing down your detoxification pathways including your liver (the main organ responsible for detoxing and burning fat). One cup a day is fine, but any more and you’ll increase your chances of getting cellulite.
  • Ditch refined carbs. Eating crisps, chips, breads and wheat-based breakfast cereals not only adds loads of calories to your diet, but also contributes to cellulite because of the bad fats they contain.
  • Eat antioxidant-rich fruits. Dark berries (such as blueberries, blackberries and raspberries) contain high amounts of antioxidants. Also, if you can get it, the acai berry from Brazil has a higher level of antioxidants than any other known food and is a great cellulite blitzer.
  • Drink green tea. This contains massive amounts of antioxidants. It’s also an excellent alternative to coffee and helps detox your whole body.
  • Regular exercise helps to promote blood flow and increase your lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass, the less fat/cellulite you will have.

The diet has never been advertised, but those who follow it (and who follow Duigan's workouts, which he teaches from his London gym Bodyism, recently voted as best in the business by Tatler) become enthusiastic to the point of fanaticism, making the Clean & Lean plan popular through word of mouth alone.
It recommends you rely on natural, nutritious foods to give you energy rather than a roller coaster of unnatural highs provided by sugar and caffeine, that invariably end in a crash that will have you reaching for the next stimulant, whether that be coffee, carbs, sweets or wine. That means, yes, ditch the booze.
Go for fresh food, as close to its natural state as possible - no refined sugar, which Duigan describes as like a 'toxic fat bomb' for your waistline.
Cut back caffeine to one cup of coffee in the morning, which will help to banish cellulite.
The revised and updated Clean & Lean plan can be downloaded onto Kindles or iPhones and iPads using the Kindle app.


An apple in a bowl still resembles the apple on the tree - James says that makes in 'clean'
An apple in a bowl still resembles the apple on the tree - James says that makes in 'clean'

Clean foods are those that:
  • Haven't changed much from their natural state - an apple in a bowl still resembles the apple on the tree, whereas a crisp (having been heavily processed) looks nothing like a potato.
  • Don't need any added artificial flavour.
  • Don't last for months and months; they go off in the fridge or cupboard after a short while.
  • Generally contain fewer than five or six ingredients.
  • Have no ingredients you can't pronounce or recognise.
  • Don't list sugar as their main ingredient (or as one of the first three).
  • Don't make you feel bloated, gassy or uncomfortably full.
  • Satisfy you, so you're not hungry after eating them.


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