
Friday 8 November 2013

Video: Man buried ALIVE is pulled from grave after mourner spots earth moving in cemetery


This is the moment a man left for dead and buried was pulled ALIVE from his grave in Brazil.

In shocking scenes captured on camera, the man can be seen moving his arms and hands as he is lifted out of the ground by stunned ambulance workers.

It is thought he was discovered after a woman visiting a family tomb in the Sao Paulo cemetery heard noises coming from the ground, before noticing the earth of a grave moving nearby.

The "terrified" woman said she then saw the man trying to get out of the grave.

In the video he can be seen lying in the ground, barely conscious, with soil still covering half of his body.

A paramedic tries to rouse him, and his arms begin to move.
Brazilian that was buried alive is pulled from his grave

They then move the soil off him, and lift the man out of the grave by his arms and legs.

He is now said to be recovering in hospital.

It is thought the unnamed man, a former city hall worker, ended up in the grave after being badly beaten in a fight.

He was then taken the cemetery and dumped in the empty grave.

Police said it could have ended in tragedy if the woman visiting her family's tomb had not heard him.

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