
Friday, 15 August 2014

Sweat - powered battery that could power small electronic devices unveiled


A tattoo that produces power from perspiration has been unveiled at the American Chemical Society meeting.

The biobattery is fuelled by lactate - which is naturally present in sweat after vigorous exercise.

It could soon power heart monitors, digital watches and eventually even smartphones, say scientists in California.

The dream of "people power"- using the body to charge portable electronic gadgets - has inspired many innovative approaches.

Some harness movement - via piezoelectrics - while others use blood to power implanted biofuel cells.

"Our device is the first to use sweat. It's a proof of concept," said Dr Wenzhao Jia of at the University of California, San Diego, who gave details of her method in the journal Angewandte Chemie.

"At the moment the power is not that high - only four microwatts. But we are working on enhancing it so it can power small electronic devices."

Interestingly, her team did not set out to build a biobattery. Their aim was to make a wearable monitor for lactate.

Athletes in training measure their lactate levels to evaluate their work-rate and fitness.

But monitoring it can be inconvenient as it typically relies on taking blood samples.

To develop a faster, more comfortable test, Dr Jia printed a lactate sensor onto temporary tattoo paper.

"I've worn it myself - you don't even feel it. It really is like a tattoo," she told BBC News.

"It's not just for athletes. Most people who exercise want to know how they can improve their workout.

"We can measure our heart rate - but if you combine that physical feedback with chemical data you get a much more comprehensive view of your exercise status."

Her team then went a step further, turning the sensor into a sweat-powered biobattery.

They incorporated an enzyme that strips electrons from lactate, generating a weak electrical current.

When volunteers on an exercise bike wore the tattoo, they were able to generate up to 70 microwatts per sq cm of skin.

Interestingly, people who were less fit produced the most power. While those who exercise most (more than three times per week) produced the least.

"We think that's because less fit people become fatigued sooner, so they form more lactate," Dr Jia explained.

"A fit person is going to have to work out much harder to power the battery."

Her lab has partnered with a start-up company to develop the product.

Next steps include linking the tattoo to portable gadgets, and adding a way to store the generated current - by integrating a device such as capacitor.

But the main challenge is to ramp up the power. More than double the current value would be needed for a digital watch - 10 microwatts.

"It's a challenge because our electrodes are only very small - just 2x3mm," said Dr Jia.

One route is to make the device more sensitive to lactate.

Another is to incorporate several biofuel cells - connected in serial or parallel.

But why use the body at all? Why not simply miniaturise conventional batteries and make them wearable?

"Because biobatteries offer certain other advantages," explained Dr Jia.

"They recharge more quickly. They are safer as there is no risk they will explode or leak toxic chemicals.

"And they use a renewable energy source. You."


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Flybe's pilot's artificial arm detaches while landing plane

A Flybe flight from Birmingham, with 47 passengers on board, was approaching Belfast City Airport on 12 February when the pilot's artificial arm became detached.

It landed heavily but fortunately nobody was hurt and the plane was not damaged.

In a statement, Flybe said the senior captain was one of its "most experienced and trusted pilots", and the safety of passengers and crew had not been compromised in any way.

Nigerian governors greet each other with knuckles during meeting to curtail ebola



Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday summoned governors with their commissioners for Health for an emergency meeting to discuss possible ways to reduce the spread of the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease.

The governors greeted one another with knuckles at the meeting...see above pictures.

Celine Dion puts her career on hold to care for her cancer-stricken husband Rene Angelil

Céline Dion has cancelled all concert dates which includes a major upcoming tour for the indefinite future, in order to care for her 72 year old husband who had a cancerous tumour removed December last year.

The singer explained that the “day-to-day challenges” were just too much.
“I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to my husband’s healing,” she said in a statement, “and to do so, it’s important for me to dedicate this time to him and to our children.”
But Celine Dion is also fighting an undisclosed illness which has caused “inflammation in her throat muscles”, according to a press release, and prevented her from performing any of her Las Vegas concerts since 29 July. “It’s been a very difficult and stressful time for the couple as they deal with ... fighting [René’s] disease while trying to juggle a very active show business schedule, and raise their three young children,” her spokesperson wrote.

In 1994 Celine Dion got married to René Angélil, her long time manager, when she was 26, and they have three children together.

Dion’s most recent album, Loved Me Back To Life, was released in November last year. Based on almost $12 million (£7m) in earnings from her 60 Las Vegas concerts, Billboard named her the 23rd-highest-paid musician of 2013.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Spanish priest being treated for ebola dies

Health workers load Ebola patient, Spanish priest Miguel Pajares, into an ambulance on the tarmac of Torrejon airbase in Madrid, after he was repatriated from Liberia for treatment in Spain, August 7, 2014.    REUTERS/Ministry of Defence/Handout via Reuters

75 year old Spanish priest Miguel Pajares, the first European infected by Ebola has died in hospital in Madrid.
Before his death he was being treated with the experimental drug ZMapp, manufactured by U.S. company Mapp Biopharmaceutical.

He died at  the Carlos III hospital, where he had been in quarantine since his return from West Africa where the strain of Ebola has killed more than 1,000 people