Here are a list of the food culprits…and exactly how people are eating them the wrong way. It’s important to note that all of the foods on the list are essential for a healthy body, and should most certainly NOT be avoided, just eaten the right way:
1. Protein. Steak houses and other restaurants typically serve meats that are easily three times the size of a healthy portion. Instead, make sure that your healthy protein, including lean beef, chicken or fish, only takes up one quarter of your dinner plate…about the size of your palm.
2. Salad Dressing. In general, your dressing serving should be no more than two tablespoons. An even better idea is to opt for a tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar.
3. Red Wine. A 5-ounce glass of wine contains an average of 125 calories. Don’t think that just because it’s a beverage, those calories don’t count. Be aware of how much you’re drinking, and consider drinking sparkling water with lemon or lime between glasses of wine to make you feel more satiated.
4. Oil. Oils, particularly olive oil, can be healthy for your heart, but using too much will equal excess calories and weight gain. Always measure oil so that you’re always aware of just how much you’re using.
5. Low-Fat…Anything. People typically see words like “low-fat” and “fat-free” and assume that the food is much lower in calories…and then proceed to eat much more than just one serving, often consuming as many calories as, or even more than, the regular version. Remember: one serving is one serving, no matter what. Or, you may save calories by just sticking to the regular version and eating one portion of that.
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