A near-toothless man who bit his neighbour’s penis after being told to turn down the volume on his Xbox has been jailed.
Jason Martin, 41, chomped through the his victim’s pyjamas “like a sandwich” after confronting him outside their flats.
Martin still had blood around his mouth when he was arrested, a court heard.
Surgeons managed to stitch his neigbour's penis back together but he suffered “excruciating” pain.
At Canterbury Crown Court, Martin said: "It was just a rat bite. I just grabbed into an area, I didn’t realise at the time it was his testicles.”
Judge Adele Williams said Martin's victim had "never felt such excruciating pain like that before in his life".
She said: "These were horrendous injuries but you have shown not one flicker of remorse in fact you regard yourself as the victim.
"I have no doubt that when you lost your temper on this occasion you were determined to inflict as much pain and injury upon your victim as possible.
"You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them."
Martin, of Dover, Kent, was today given seven years for wounding with intent, and a year for dangerous driving on bail.
The prosecution told Canterbury Crown Court how Martin attacked his neighbour after receiving a text to turn down his music.
Following an argument, a fight between the pair broke out.
As reported by Kent Online, during his trial, the father-of-one told a jury: “I didn’t do that..I am not a gay man in any way.
"The thought of putting a man’s penis in my mouth..well it’s not for me. Not in a million years would I do it!”
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