
Wednesday 1 October 2014

Fat Burning Foods: Belly Fat Diet

There is no doubt that exercise is one of the best things one can do to stay healthy especially when it comes to losing excess fat, most of which a lot of us carry around our waist line. However, according to a research done by, belly fats can also be eliminated by consuming certain foods.

Whole Eggs – Consuming Whole eggs help burn belly fats and not just the whites but the egg yolks as well. Egg yolks contain a lot of nutrients and all the fat soluble vitamins which help control appetite and balance fat-burning hormones too. But since eggs have high cholesterol levels, it is best to moderate your daily intake of them.

Avocado – Avocados are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants which helps maintain levels of hormones that aid fat loss and muscle building. Eating avocados help to reduce the appetite because it is an extremely satiating food.

Tomatoes -Tomato is the best source of lycopene, which is great for building haemoglobin in the body. So, tomatoes are good for those who are suffering from anaemia. It also contains fat burning properties and boosts your body's metabolism. Also, a tomato is mostly composed of water (90%), so you do not have to worry about putting on any weight.

Nuts – Though a fatty food, consumption of nuts help control blood sugar levels and lose fat. Nuts are high in fiber/protein. Nuts also help to suppress your appetite and cravings; eating a handful of nuts about 20 to 30 minutes before having a meal essentially cuts down your meal consumption by 30 percent.

Banana - Banana is one of the most filling fruits. Scientists believe that bananas contain certain enzymes that help speed up digestion, and elimination, causing rapid weight loss. Also, the sweetness in banana will take care of craving for sugar.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I just knew that eggs, nuts and banana can help reduce belly fat. Now I've got to try these belly fat diet foods. Thanks for sharing!


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